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Things to keep in Mind before Hiring .NET Developer

Things to keep in Mind before Hiring .NET Developer

September 2, 2022

Any organization that concentrates on developing applications for desktop and web involves using the best technology in the market. This is why such enterprises make use of the .Net technology to enhance their business goals. Moreover, the latest NET 6 full stack web framework also lowers your computing cost over the cloud. However, in order to utilize .NET technology, it is essential to hire the best developers for the same. With Techcronus, you can leverage only world-class .NET Technology developers or a team of developers who are experts to serve all your needs.

Statistics suggest that the Global .NET Technology Market is growing more than ever. Likewise, using the MAUI interface for your applications leave you with the most supreme experience. If we evaluate the market from the year 2017, this technology market was valued at $421B and is expected to reach $777B by the year 2022. This results in a CAGR of 8.3% in the duration of 5 years from 2017 to 2022.

What is the crux of .Net Development?

A .NET is software that was developed and put into the market by Microsoft in the year 2002. This free, cross, and open-sourced platform also supports various languages as well as editors. This software provides ease with respect to the web, mobile, and desktop applications, games development engineering as well as other IoT. Moreover, the internal product groups consist of the .NET Framework, .NET Core, Xamarin, and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) which have their own framework for the work development of applications.

Now when .NET 6 came into the market recently, it provides the ultimate level of productivity. Additionally, in the company of Visual Studio 2022 you get to experience faster reloads, new git tooling, robust diagnostics, etc.

Why should you hire the next great .NET developer?

It is safe to say that .NET Technology is the future and will bring along a huge number of job openings while MAUI’s intuitive interface is not only fluid but also provides cross-platform mobile app development capability. This brings us to segregate among all the mediocre candidates and choose the best candidates that match the skills that the company is on the lookout for.

Qualities of a specialized .NET Developers are as follows:-

  • Coding:

.Net Developers will be expected to write codes fluently as a part of their job description. They should be familiar with the trends in the market in terms of the latest .NET 6 framework which is a unification plan that began with the .NET 5 framework. Using the .NET 6 framework is easy because it simplifies the code writing process with new characteristics in C# 10. In addition, .Net Developers should hold a positive attitude while receiving changes as required by the client.

  • Experienced in Backend Programming:

Backend programming is important while securing the user’s profile information as well as other information on the site. Therefore, the developers onboarding in your team should be efficient in terms of various databases like SQL, Server, Oracle, MySQL, etc in order to deal with query optimization.

  • Have a good understanding of the .NET framework:

The right developers should be intelligent in not only front-end but also back-end development. Additionally, these developers should also be through with the fluidity in the 44 MAUI core processes among other things. Regarding front-end development, C# developers (as some .NET Developers and not all like to refer to themselves) should be intelligent in terms of SaaS, Angular JS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, etc. Your community of developers will be required to be fluent in the back-end work in terms of .NET Web API, .NET MVC, Signal R, etc. to increase their employability.

  • Functional in Microsoft Azure:

All businesses would want to save up on careless software development which would simply increase their bills. So, Microsoft Azure helps in terms of Azure management.Β  A skilled .Net programmer should be able to unite the SDK, base libraries, and runtime across mobile, desktop, IoT, and cloud apps. The resources offered by this cloud platform will provide mastery of solutions if we hire developers with vital skills to use the same.

  • Refined Interpersonal Skills:

Many times, developers need to work as a team to finish project deadlines. For this reason, .NET developers might require collaboration with IT professionals, software engineers, etc to finish the task. While working together as a team, programmers should be comfortable with hearing a new perspective, working on the stability of the MAUI background, and assigning tasks to each member of the team for better management both in terms of work as well as time.

  • Aware of the difference between ASP.Net MVC and ASP.Net Web Form:

In order to fluently work on a day-to-day basis, programmers must be able to categorize the differences between traditional event-driven development model with web server controls like ASP.Net Web Form and lightweight model that follows the MVC (Model, View, Controller) pattern. As with the MVC form the essence of logic is important for views while the Web Form will keep both views and logic separately. A Dot Net Developer will also work on ultra-fine atomized memory from MAUI and must be able to easily identify all such requirements just like the back of their hands.

When any organization faces the problem in terms of debugging a code, upgrading software, database problems, server difficulties, etc there arises a dire need to hire a proficient Dot Net Developer who invests in the web stack and minimal APIs for quickly writing smart, faster microservices. At Techcronus, you will only find skilled .Net Developers with proven years of experience in the respective field. Contact Us now for your queries.

Tags: ASP.Net
Niket Shah

Written by
Niket Shah

Steering Techcronus Business Solutions through a transformative era in operations, my expertise in process optimization and quality management systems has been pivotal. With over two years at the helm, our team has enhanced practices across tech verticals, driving efficiency and quality in project deliverables.

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