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Planning For Upgrade To Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015

October 14, 2015

From our past experience we would say when it comes to take decision on upgrade, two main questions asked by the management of any organisations are “WHY we should do it?” and “WHAT are the new features/enhancements in the new product?”


Why we should do it?

We, Techcronus, simply answer them that if you search for the definition of word “UPGRADE” on any search engine, the result you will find is: to improve the performance and quality of something by adding enhanced features/components. We, Techcronus, always advise our customer that an upgrade is an opportunity for them to streamline their NAV solution – by reducing the degree of customization and by taking advantage of new out-of-box features. If your organization is using an older version of NAV and hasn’t upgraded to the latest available version lately then we would suggest that it’s a correct time to take the right move, as Microsoft has come up with the best release of Dynamics NAV so far.

What are the new features/enhancements to the new product?

Here are some of the major enhanced features of a new improved version of Dynamics NAV 2015:

Tablet Client:

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 introduces a new interface called Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tablet client. The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tablet client allows users in small and medium-sized businesses to access data from a tablet. This tablet client is similar to the Dynamics NAV web client option we had in version NAV 2013 R2.

Dynamics NAV Apps for Tablets:

Along with Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tablet client comes the Dynamics NAV app, which is available in the Windows Store, on Google Play, and in the Apple Store.

Improved Report Layout:

Microsoft has introduced new features like word report layouts, customizing and managing report layouts from the dynamics NAV clients and the new report functions to support the new report layout implementations. All these added new features in the report layout allow users to make variations of layouts and then use the variations when they view and print reports as needed. Also, these enhanced features have significantly improved the performance of the report generations.

Feel free to Contact Techcronus to learn and take advantages of the best release of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Upgrade.

Planning to Upgrade Microsoft NAV
Tags: Mobile App Development
Yash Sampat

Written by
Yash Sampat

Yash Sampat is Team lead at Techcronus with an extensive experience in helping enterprises and startups streamline their business performance through PHP, Node JS, React JS, Angular JS & WordPress

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