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Should You Go For Your WordPress Site Audit?

August 10, 2018

Today, digital marketing plays an important role in lead generation for any business. If your marketing team is looking for increased lead generation and conversions to bring out more benefits for your organization, there no other option but to have a highly optimized website in place.

Whether your WordPress website development was done a long ago or it doesn’t have a good score after doing a speed test or you have utilized different resources to edit, update or maintain the site, your WordPress Website really needs an audit.

The Importance of a WordPress Website Audit

As a business owner, if you are interested to generate organic traffic for your website, taking care of your website SEO is amongst the most important undertakings you should have. 91% of the US users are searching on the internet every single month. This is a huge online audience that you need to capture to ensure that you get most out of your online presence.

Doing a website audit is an activity which tracks the most important SEO measures and makes sure that all of them are meeting the industry standards. A lot of webmasters believe that this is a one-time exercise which could be carried out once and for all. But this is not true, unfortunately. It is important to consider that Google constantly changes its search engine algorithms to ensure that they give best search results to the users.

Customers always ask us this same question that what points should be focused on while conducting a WordPress site audit in an effective manner. The vital points for WordPress Site Audit are mentioned below:

Focus Points For A WordPress Site Audit

  • Do a comprehensive website crawl
  • Check the site accessibility
  • Page speed audit
  • Technical SEO audit
  • Review the content
  • Evaluate backup and rollback procedures
  • Evaluate hosting and server security
  • Review and evaluate plugins
  • Review theme
  • Review version control and deployment
  • Review page building
  • Review user access control
  • Review for general publisher usability

Based on the output of the site audit, we can easily determine the condition of the site and what actions are needed. Next step is to lay down a proper website update plan to ensure that the audit recommendations are handled carefully. This will help your website get its SEO boosted and improve the search ranking.

Advantages Of A WordPress Site Audit

Along with having your site online, it is important to check that the site is ranked well by the search engines for increases reach. Important factors for increased website ranking are site authority, website Page Speed, responsiveness, proper landing page, content quality and best practices for code, quality checks. A WordPress site audit will shine brightly in many areas which will have a great impact on your sales and marketing efforts.

It’s never too late. If you are interested in getting your WordPress site audit done, contact us today for more information

Looking To Develop Exceptional WordPress Website For Your Business?
Tags: Mobile App Development
Tushar Soni

Written by
Tushar Soni

Tushar Soni is Digital Marketing Expert at Techcronus with an extensive experience in helping enterprises and startups to generate lead, branding and Increased visibility in search engine.

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