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Hiring a NodeJS Developer_ Here Are Top Facts to Know Before You Go Ahead

Hiring a Node.Js Developer? Here Are Top Facts to Know Before You Go Ahead

August 5, 2022

Node.Js is a server-side framework used to create scalable server-side JavaScript applications. It is an excellent tool for building large applications faster. It serves as a full stack platform, meaning developers need not switch between front-end and backend while writing code, which makes Node.Js a very popular option.

Before you get into the process of hiring a Node.Js developer, let us go through some factors you should be looking at.

What a Node.Js Developer Does

A Node.Js developer typically performs the following responsibilities:

  • Develops server-side logic and maintenance of central database
  • Enables the transfer of data between servers and users
  • Sets up application security and data protection
  • Ensures high responsiveness to requests from the front end
  • Solves front-end transactions and database queries

Node.Js has a low entry threshold, letting beginners quickly adopt this technology. Some of the world’s biggest brands like LinkedIn, eBay, Walmart, and GoDaddy use Node.Js development.

Factors to Watch Out for When Hiring a Node.Js Developer

1. A Node.Js developer should be able to work with different tools and test runners

Testing tools and frameworks meant for Node.Js are being developed as it enjoys a favoured position in the development world. Depending on the project’s requirements, its complexities and other factors, a developer must choose the right testing tool. Ultimately it is the knowledge of the developer that helps understand the potential risks and gaps in the code. A testing strategy is then adapted according to the need. Some of the popular testing frameworks in Node.Js include Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, and Ava.

2. A Node.Js developer knows both the front end and back end

A Node.Js developer primarily handles the backend of your application. However, they also know the backend. With this knowledge, they can help improve the UI to create a better user experience.

3. They should be experienced working with ORM tools

Knowledge about ORM tools for databases is one of the major criteria when hiring Node.Js developers. An ORM or Object Relational Mapping facilitates mapping between objects and relational databases in a medium/large scale project. It helps streamline the migration process between databases. With an ORM, the object remains even if the sources or apps accessed by database systems change over time. Having command over ORM tools is thus considered a key skill for a Node.Js developer. Some ORM tools include Sequelize, Bookshelf and Mongoose.

4. They should be familiar with cloud platforms

Cloud-based systems have become commonplace. A developer is now required to have knowledge of or experience working with cloud web apps. Some commonly used cloud platforms include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Heroku, and Netlify.

Node.Js developers who have experience with or knowledge of working with Cloud web apps are a better choice than those who do not.

5. They should be experienced working with alternative Package Managers

When working with Node.Js, the need to rewrite code is lower, and this promotes faster development. This is because Node.Js uses well-tested and open-source packages.

The default package manager for Node.Js is npm. Alternative packages for Node.Js include Yarn and pnpm.

6. They should be familiar with Node.js user authentication

An ideal candidate would be well versed with the user authentication process as it is the most critical function for any web application. However, it is easier to use a third-party authentication process like Passport.js. Another third-party password hashing library is Bcrypt which secures the platform from information leaks and hackers.

7. They should be experienced working with Node.Js template engines

An HTML template is created by template engines and works with minimal code and increases the performance of the application. Some of the popular template engines for Node.Js include Marko, Handlebars, Pug, Mustache, Nunjucks, and Swig.

Asking candidates to describe why one templating engine is preferred over another says a lot about their development style. This will reveal if the candidate is compatible with the organization’s approach to development.

8. They should be open to learning

While hiring a Node.Js developer, it would be ideal to have someone with a good grasp of server-side fundamentals of JavaScript. They would also have experience with coding and testing in Node.Js. Practical experience working with Node.Js gives them the upper hand over other candidates.

Final Thoughts

The process of hiring a Node.Js developer can be a tricky one as there are many aspects to take into consideration. Using the points mentioned above could help you have a better understanding of easing the process. Ultimately, the quality of your business depends on the quality of the people you hire.

Techcronus is your ideal choice for hiring a Node.Js developer. We provide qualified and pre-vetted engineers who are ideal matches for your business needs. Reach out to us today to discuss your project requirements.

Tags: Node.Js
Yash Sampat

Written by
Yash Sampat

Yash Sampat is Team lead at Techcronus with an extensive experience in helping enterprises and startups streamline their business performance through PHP, Node JS, React JS, Angular JS & WordPress

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