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Why Should You Choose Multi-Tenant Architecture for Your SaaS Application?

January 28, 2021

Today, Cloud services and applications are a key trend in software development, helping to bring user experience to the next level at a reduced cost. The study shown by Gartner proves that the principal sources of revenue will generate $110 billion in 2020 and is expected to rise by $143 billion by 2022.

The cloud platform isn’t built to only support a single business but designed to help multiple companies simultaneously. Among various cloud services in Cloud, computing SaaS stands out best in the software industry. SaaS application divides into single-tenant and multi-tenant where the majority of them choose multi-tenant for developing SaaS apps. SaaS allows the third party to host their app, and other members can access the app via the Internet.

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Why Choose Multi-Tenant Architecture for Your SaaS Application?

In general, there are multiple reasons to choose multi-tenant architecture over a single tenant for SaaS apps. Few of them listed below:

Increased ROI

If you’re looking to share databases, resources, the app, fixing the system cost, and helping in the long run, then choose Multi-tenancy. The price is considerably lower than a single tenancy and should deliver a SaaS solution for easy usage. No doubt the onboarding expenses are brought down, but the revenue experience is on incremental revenue.

Optimal Performance

One can increase the speed, efficiency, and reliability as the tech stack elements enjoy and scale economies. The seller proposes the shared stack elements, codes, and database with different tenants subsequently. It facilitates optimum resource utilization, increases response time, and make vendor assessment.

Optimal Maintenance

It is developed in such a way that it makes it easier for vendors to maintain their applications. As all code and data structured are shared, adding codebases like adding new features or bugfix can push all customers at once.

Convenient Tenant Onboarding

Your SaaS application might fail to convert your number of visitors due to knowing why? It’s because your business strives hard to attract a potential customer. Bad onboarding can change their perspective about the product and real value. Therefore, it’s better to streamline the entire boarding process and take care of the design, customer touchpoints, and organized well.

Highly Scalable

When there’s a new integration of hardware into SaaS multi-tenant, the whole process escalates. The offers come with scalability for both existing and new tenants. It comes with quick and easy hardware installation using existing resources of running technology stack.

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Multi-layered Security

Multi-tenant architecture is vulnerable to attacks as it comes with a shareability feature. The architect has come a long way with multiple optimizations and updates to integrate top-notch security practices. The standard security adds multi-tenancy architecture that happens to be the same in the past and future.

Maximum Use of Resources

The benefit is noticeable where multi-tenant architecture for SaaS apps use its maximum resources. The feature helps in maintaining optimization and automated utilization due to shared infrastructure and resources. If any customer isn’t using any resources, then another tenant will immediately start working on it.

Highly Efficient

If anyone is looking for next-generation high-speed and reliability, then SaaS multi-tenant architecture is all that you need. Achieve maximum speed, utilization, and response time using shareability feature code elements. There’s no need for extra server capacity to be added to the overall system.

Ongoing Cost-Cutting

Using multi-tenancy, one can save a lot of time and cost, upgrade to high speed, and fill the cloud requirements. It brings opportunities to save money and increase its scaling by reducing the cost.

Get Easy Upgrades

The vendors need to update a single, centralized codebase by updating every instance available in single-tenancy. We can get this update immediately. Also, a multi-tenant application helps to simplify the process by spinning up a new Cloud and application on behalf of a new customer.

Highly Customizable

The customization is possible using multi-tenant-based applications. Use them to maintain the underlying codebase. Get a stable codebase for each user by adding all new customers.

High Availability and Disaster Recovery

SaaS applications add special attention for high availability. It achieved by using multiple zones of applications. When in case of failure, the customer can immediately switch to other zones.

Let’s conclude with a summary

Multi-tenant SaaS architecture offers a long list of benefits in terms of development and investment compared to single-tenant ones. SaaS services operate on using multi-tenancy and give excellent data capacity with a higher ceiling for businesses. Additionally, it’s cheaper, easy to maintain, efficient, and quick upgrades which makes it a perfect choice for scaling your enterprise’s requirements.

Want more? if you are looking for a secure, flexible, and efficient solution, let’s discuss your project today and take home the best multi-tenant SaaS app. contact our best development team.

Do you need help selecting the technology stack for your SaaS project?
Tags Saas, Software as a Service
Tushar Soni

Written by
Tushar Soni

Tushar Soni is Digital Marketing Expert at Techcronus with an extensive experience in helping enterprises and startups to generate lead, branding and Increased visibility in search engine.

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