The term Cloud Computing is generally used in web development. But, it is not limited just to web development. With an increase in the usage of smartphones, technology is advancing for Android as well as IOS. Mobile Cloud Computing is one such addition to mobile app development. It has transformed the existing world of mobile phones. A large number of enterprises are shifting towards Cloud Computing due to the increasing popularity.
This booming technology integrates cloud computing applications with smartphones. This integration has proven to be one of the best technological advances, both for cloud computing and mobile phones. Now, your limited phone storage won’t be an issue. With MCC, you can store your data on the cloud and access it anytime from anywhere.
What is Mobile Cloud Computing?
WooCommerce is one of the most popular open-source eCommerce development platforms today. If you are looking for the best WordPress plugins for your eCommerce store, there is no competition for WooCommerce. It has more than 1.6 million downloads. It runs more than 37% of online stores. Need we say more? If you want to perform better in analytics then migrate Shopify to WooCommerce immediately because WooCommerce has better options.
Types of Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing can be referred to as computer programs being outsourced. The programs are hosted by a third-party. Anyone can access their data from any part of the globe. There are three types of Cloud Computing. Let’s understand them in detail.
Platform as a service that allows people to operate, evolve, and manage the applications without worrying about design, coding, storage capacity, and such.
Infrastructure as a service that hosts different components on the basis of infrastructure. It consists of software, hardware, storage, server, and much more. The components are used to maintain security and create a backup.
Software as a service which means that cloud computing itself owns a set of software like an internet browser, which acts as an important tool in the working.
Impact of MCC
Mobile Cloud Computing is a growing technology that has transformed the world of mobile app development. One of the main reasons behind its growing popularity is the key features of cloud computing. Let’s understand the impact of MCC on app development in detail. This will also enlighten the key reasons as to why this technology is gaining popularity with every passing day.
Increase in storage space
Without MCC there was a constant worry about the limited storage space of mobile phones. But, with Cloud Computing this problem has been resolved. Cloud-based applications have a greater storage capacity than other applications. The cloud’s server is built on an infrastructure which can be easily accessed through a mobile application.
Latest technology
MCC is gaining popularity due to the latest technologies including CSS3, HTML5, Cloudlet, Hyper-visor virtual machines for mobiles, and much more. These trending technologies work well for Mobile Cloud Computing.
With the increasing usage of smartphones, people can access the applications 24×7. They can avail of the services as per their convenience. This means that there is an opportunity to increase productivity and offer better services to set new trends in the market.
Internet Connectivity
In today’s time, the speed of your internet connection matters a lot. With Broadband connections, WiFI, 4G, and such, you can enjoy uninterrupted data connections.
How is MCC the future of Mobile App Development?
Mobile Cloud Computing is the future of mobile app development. For both IOS and Android users, MCC will open new doors for developing unique and new applications for mobile devices. Below listed are a few reasons for the same.
Creating a unique mobile application for your brand will cost money. Choosing the right features as per your budget is an important task. You may need to create different apps for both IOS and Android. This is why MCC is a cost-effective option. The cost of continuously maintaining the app will be omitted. New business enterprises can easily develop an application at a minimal cost.
Increased battery life
The main function of a mobile device is storing data. When the primary function is being carried out by the cloud, the phone will automatically save battery. Clod Computing extends your battery life by processing and storing data on the cloud.
Synchronizing data
With Cloud Computing, storing, and accessing data becomes easier. Users can store and manage data between their desktops and smartphones easily with faster data synchronization. The issue of limited storage space is also resolved here. The cloud acts as a backup without taking space in your smartphones.
Better processing
Any mobile device’s speed of working and performing tasks is ensured by a processor. In the case of Mobile Cloud Computing, this whole processing is carried out on the cloud itself. This means that there is no extra load on the mobile device, which will automatically improve its speed and performance.
Mobile Cloud Computing is an advancing technology, which has added a number of features for mobile applications. The use of smartphones has increased to a great extent and this is why it has become crucial to develop new and unique applications. The issue of storage space is also resolved through cloud computing. Developers can create applications without the need to worry about the type of Operating system and storage capacity. There are some key reasons as to why this booming technology is the solution for better mobile app development. It has transformed the way data is stored and managed. With technology advancing every day, MCC is the future of mobile app development. It holds the potential to change the dynamics of mobile app development. Contact the Experts Now!